Thursday 23 April 2015


Household Remedies for Common Ailments …..for today’s theme…

1. Simple gargling solution very effective for sore throat ( A glass of hot water, with salt, turmeric and vinegar, dissolved in it.) Repeat 3 times a day !

2. Cough syrup more soothing than the commercial one ( A spoonful of Honey, with crushed Ginger and Garlic in it ). Repeat 3 times a day after the gargle !

Turmeric and Vinegar in the gargle water are anti-septic and Salt heals the soreness in the throat, along with the hot water.

Honey, Garlic and Ginger are supposed to be antibacterial and can fight the Streptococcus (or Strep throat) bacteria effectively . These can tackle even stubborn virus which is anti-biotic resistant.

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