Wednesday 3 September 2014


Its Ganesh chaturti festival time and we have some nice prasad to make this time.


Recipe for Kesar Pedhas.: ( 5 minutes microwave recipe)
1 stick of unsalted butter ( 1/2 cup)
2 cups of Milk powder
1 can of condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon of saffron ( not the powder)


In a 2 quarter bowl melt butter in the microwave for 1 minute, add the saffron & mix well, let it sit for few minutes.
Now add the milk powder & condensed milk mix well and microwave at high for 2 minutes.

Remove mix the mixture well with a spoon and again cook for 2 more minutes, remove mix & cook for 1 more minute, at this time the mixture will froth & come to the top, at this point,depending on your microwave you may have to cook extra few minutes, but cook only 1 minute each interval . Remove the mixture & let it cool till it is a little warm to make pedhas, 
Make small pedas and use the bottom of a decorative glass or mould to shape, if you like roll in sugar ( the sugar avail in USA is of fine texture, you can crush it, but not fine powder). arrange on plate to cool, or refrigerate for 1 hour.

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