Monday 2 March 2015


Orange Mysore Pak

Makes -40 pieces (approx. 600grms) cooking time max. 1/2hr

Gram Flour – 1 cup
Sugar – 1 cup
Orange Juice – ¼ cup
Oil – 1cup
Ghee – ½ cup
Orange zest – 1tbsp

In a Pan heat sugar and orange juice along with ¾ orange zests in a medium flame. Heat till the sugar dissolves.
Lower the heat and pour in the Oil and Ghee. Let the mixture gently bubble.
Add gram flour and cook stirring continuously to avoid lumps( sieve in the flour).
After 5-7mins the mixture will look porous add in the leftover zest and stir well. Stir till the mixture begins to rise and leave the sides.
Remove from heat and pour in a ghee greased tray. 
Cool and cut after 2mins.

Tip – 

The actual recipe calls for 1 ½ cups of oil but for a better flavour I used the above mentioned ratio u can also substitute it fully with ghee for more richness and it will taste just like the once you buy in Sree Krishna sweets. 

To make a normal mysore pak substitute juice with water. Don’t take excess water or juice.

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