Saturday 28 June 2014




1cup maawaa or khoya
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp cardomam powder
Food colour of your choice( optional)
Handful of pistachios and almonds cut into flakes


Take the maawaa in a microwave glass bowl and powder it with your hands. Cover it and microwave on high for one minute. Remove it out and stir briskly with a spoon. Cover and microwave again for one min. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times so that the mawaa gets cooked properly in the microwave heat and the ghee starts to desperate out.

Now cool the mixture completely till it attains room temperature. You may even immerse the glass bowl in a basin of water so that it cools faster.

Once it is fully cool. Mix in the powdered sugar thoroughly. Till it is a smooth paste. Add the cardomam powder and mix well. Save a little powder for garnishing over the burfi.

Divide the mixture into two portions. Add one or two drops of food colour of your choice if you wish to and mix well. You may skip the colouring completely if you prefer white burfi.

Take a steel plate which is at least one and half inch deep. Grease the plate with a little ghee.

Pour the mixture one over the other on the greased plate and smoothen the top. Garnish generously with posts and almond flakes and press the top slightly with the spoon so that they are stuck into the burfi and don't fall out. Also sprinkle the left over cardamon powder. Plate this plate in the refrigerator to set for at least 3 hours. The burfi has to harden slightly. Once hard enough. Remove the plate from the fridge and place it directly on the lit gas on sim for about half a minute so that it. This is done so that the burfi will come out of the plate smoothly and doesn't stick to the plate. Carefully cut to desired shapes and serve cold. !!!!!!!!!!

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