Saturday 28 June 2014




Oil/ ghee for shallow frying

boneless chicken cut into cubes

Grind together to fine paste:
1 cup thick curds
2 tsp kasmiri red chilli powder
4-5 twigs pudinaa leaves
4-5 twigs of corainder leaves
2 green chillies
20 garlic flakes
1 lemon juice
Salt to taste
Few drops red food colour optional


Marinate the chicken in the above mixture for two hours. You may increase or decrease the amount of chilli powder for spiciness according to individual taste.

Heat oil in a shallow frying pan. When hot, Place each chicken piece in the pan and cook on low heat.. After five mins slowly turn the shallow fried pieces and cook on other side. At the same time also pour little little marinated gravy on top of the pieces again and let it fry slowly.. U will notice you will not require much of oil as the chicken prices will leave out its fat and the pieces will get fried in that on its own.. Add a little ghee so that the taste is enhanced.
Side by side heat two three charcoal pieces on the other gas. Wait till it becomes red hot.
Check if the chicken pieces are done. If they look cooked and nicely roasted. Just make some place in the middle of the pan and place the red hot charcoal pieces rite in the middle of the pieces and cover immediately. When you place red hot charcoal piece in the heat tava becos of the tikka juice present on the tava... The charcoal will leave out smoke.. When you cover the vessel.. Your homemade tikkas will get the smoky flavour which you get from professional bhatti. Try out and see if you can get to know the difference.

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