Sunday 4 May 2014

Magic Masala by Sandhya Kini Mayenkar

Just stock this masala and use it when needed.. A special masala to enhance the taste in any recipe..!



1kg red chillies
1/2 kg coriander seeds
1/4 kg khuskhus
1/4 kg haldi roots
1/4 kg white vatana
100 gms badishep
100 GMs pepper
100 gms rice
50 GMs each of lavang, dalchini, jaaifal, tejpatta, dagadfool, Saadda elaichi, Masala elaichi, paakhli, and any other whole condiments u have. 

1- sun dry all ingredients seperately for 1-2 days so that they becum nice n crispy. break all large ingredients like haldi roots dagadfool jaaifal into small pcs. Cut of the stems from the chillies.
2- roast All ingredients desperately on low flame till they change colour. 
3- let it cool thoroughly. 
4- mix everything n grind to super fine powder. If u r making in large quantity then u may send to the mill for powdering. 
5- store in airtight container. Will last for even 2-3 yrs if stored carefully.

THIS FULL LIST WILL GIVE 2 1/2 KGS of garam Masala powder.

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