Friday 5 December 2014


1 1/2 cup coriander seeds
1 cup grated dry coconut
3 tsp sesame seeds
1 tsp asafoetida powder
2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp caraway seeds
1/2 tsp cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves
2 tsp stone flower
1/2 tsp black pepper seeds
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/4 cup oil
1/2 tsp turmeric powder.

Heat oil in a pan & fry the coriander seeds till red. Remove them & in the remaining oil, fry cloves, cinnamon, caraway seeds, bay leaf, pepper, mustard, fenugreek seeds, stone flower, turmeric & asafoetida. Dry roast the grated coconut & sesame seeds. Let all cool. First grind the coriander seeds to a fine powder. Remove & next grind the grated coconut & sesame seeds together. Remove & next grind all the remaining ingredients. Add the ground coriander seeds, grated coconut & sesame seeds & just give 2 whirls, so that they mix uniformly. (Take care while grinding thecoconut & sesame seeds. They leave oil , so much grinding shd be avoided.) Remove the masala in a vessel. Let it come to RT. Put a li'l salt at the bottom of the bottle where this masala is to be filled. Fill the masala in dry bottle only. While using, take care that the spoon is dry.
This can be used in any sabji or even pulaos.

The above measurements give me a bottleful masala which lasts for 2 months or slightly more. I usually prepare this much only at a time, 'cos the flavour fades with time.

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