Tuesday 6 January 2015


For one packet mushrooms. . About 13 -15
separate the stems and chop fine
one spring onion separated and chopped fine
1 Green chilli chopped
2-3 flakes garlic chopped
1tsp besan
1 tsp tomato/ chilli sauce. . combined or any one depending upon how spicy you want.
I tsp cheese spread
I cube cheese grated
red chilli flakes
heat oil. Add garlic. Green chillies. sauté. Add onion whites saute.
Add the stems. sauté til water evaporates adding a little besan . Then add the onion greens. cheese spread and sauce.
stuff this in the mushrooms. Top with grated cheese
sprinkle chilli flakes.
grill at about 180* for 10-12 mins. till cheese melts.
Note: don't really need salt in this ad the cheese spread sauces and cheese all contain salt. so check before putting salt

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