Tuesday 10 February 2015


(240 ml cup used)
1 ½ cups of almonds

1 ¼ cup of sugar
¼ tsp cardamom powder
90 ml or 6 tbsp. Water
Nuts for garnish (optional)
Optional ingredients refer the notes


Blanch almonds following the steps mentioned above or use store bought blanched almonds
Dry roast to have them moist free. Powder them in a blender
Dissolve sugar completely in water along with cardamom powder
Bring it to a boil, add the powder and mix well to blend everything well. You can take it off the stove for a while and do it.
On a medium flame, cook till the mixture becomes thick and a mass. It should be moist, thick and slightly sticky but not dry.
Transfer it to a plate and let the temperature come down.
When it is still slightly hot, knead it well to get a smooth dough. If it looks dry or cracks a lot, you can use little boiled and cooled milk or warm water to help it smoothen.If the dough does not firm up and looks very sticky at this stage, you can add a tbsp. of milk powder or corn flour.
Place it on a greased plate or parchment paper and make a rectangle or square.
Cut with a greased knife or pizza cutter to desired shapes.
Store in an airtight jar. If you have used milk or water for kneading, keep refrigerated and use.
1 to 2 tbsps. Boiled and cooled warm water or any milk. Use if needed

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