Saturday 14 February 2015


1/4 kg green chillies
1 1/2cup salt 
1 tsp haldi pd
1 idli cup mustard 
1 tsp methi seeds
1tsp hing pd
5 lemon
2 idli cup gingelly oil
ENJOY...........with curd rice

cut 1/4 kg green chillies apply 1 1/2cup salt and 1 tsp haldi pd . keep it in a glass bowl for 2 days. everyday mix it well. third day.....take 1 idli cup mustard roast it slightly . it should nit splutter roast 1 tsp methi seeds till brown.roast 1tsp hing pd. pd this with 1 tsp salt. 
squeez d juic of 5 lemon add this to d chillies.
take a pan add a 2 idli cup gingelly oil . when hot add the pd and remove from fire . after 5 min add chilly mix and keep it on gas and cook till d chillies change colour. it will be ready to eat after 15 days. if chilly is too spicy add lil vinegar and lil more salt.
ENJOY...........with curd rice

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